
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Music about cellular respiration

Another music from dr. Ahern (, this time about mitochondria and cellular respiration. It was based on the song I'm a Lumberjack.

Download the music here.

I'm a Little Mitochondrion

Instructor sings
Oh I'm a little mitochondrion
Who gives you energy
I use my proton gradient
To make the ATPs

Class sings
He's a little mitochondrion
Who gives us energy
He uses proton gradients
To make some ATPs

Instructor sings
Electrons flow through Complex II
To traffic cop Co-Q
Whenever they arrive there in
An FADH-two

Class sings
Electrons flow through Complex II
To traffic cop Co-Q
Whenever they arrive there in
An FADH-two

Instructor sings
Yes tightly coupled is my state
Unless I get a hole
Created in my membrane by
Some di-ni-tro-phe-nol
Class sings
Yes tightly coupled is his state
Unless he gets a hole
Created in his membrane by
Some di-ni-tro-phenol

Instructor sings
Both rotenone and cyanide
Stop my electron flow
And halt the calculation of
My "P" to "O" ratio

Class sings
Both rotenone and cyanide
Stop his electron flow
And halt the calculation of
His "P" to "O" ratio

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