
Friday, September 25, 2015

Video about DNA repair

Thank you for the suggestion Vasco! :)


  1. Im very interessed in DNA repair and I want to know are the brain mitochondrias reproducing? Live they longer than those in skin? I will like to know if there is something natural that can block the hydrolisis of 1-4 bonds in carbohydrates. The idea is to reduce absorption of glucoses by diabetic People.

    1. Hi,

      thank you for your comment. Mitochondria proliferation is thought to arise by two distinct mechanisms - de novo production and dission of pre-existing mitochondria. About ther half-like in brain, unfortunately it is nor my expertise area, so I am not able to help you with that question.

      Best regards! :)

  2. I Will like to know your expertise area because i have some interesting things to comment.The idea is to regen erate the body power as in the youth. I Was thinking about the life of mitochondrias and if some live longer than others.Im thinking to make experiments on cells using different species to optimize their function. There are many dissorders asociated With mutations in mitochondrias. I need to consult other people because to have a blog were everybody can apport make things easier.i couldnt find a serious blog still and i hope your can grow. Is biocomputing the next troyan horse?

    1. Thank you for your message. My expertise area is not ageing, it is bone metabolism. Nevertheless, I think your point of view may be reasonable, because mitochondria is a key player in ageing, and there are huge differences in the longevity of different mitochondria from different species, but also from different cell types. Understanding the mechanisms that control mitochondria survival may unravel new strategies to fight ageing. However, it is important to note that the half-life of mitochondria it is related with global metabolic status of the organism, because the higher the cellular respiration rate, the higher the production of reactive oxygen species, and, consequently, the amount of oxidative damage.
      Regarding Biocomputing, what do you exactly mean with the next Troyan Horse?

  3. Another question is about immunology and the crisp gene.if grow by age and expose to pathogens.Shouldnt be longer in old people?

    1. When you mention crisp gene are you talking about crispr?

  4. Crispr is an idea, but Im looking to find something that can clean the body from toxines, old and defective cells.Also something that can erase parasites effective and other microorganisms that can be the reason to sickness.

  5. Hei i will like to give you some ideas that i love to share with everybody and you could use in your blog. There is a very interesting experiment (Clive Mc kay et al 1950) with the transfusion of blood from a young mice to an old that showed regeneration on the old.I think somebody could repeat it and find out how to get benefits for humans. There is not much made after. I havent see on internet much about it. Ner repair seems the best way to rejuvenate the body. (Aging of the genome, DNA damage repair.mechanism and Aging.nova).The old memory cells are raising in number as we get old and the naive defence cells going the opposite way and can be the reason to the bad health on the old people (life extension magazine. December 2015).Many search for biocatalizators to clean the body from toxines. I found some UDP gluconarate(principles of biochemistry Lehninger), quercetin (life extension)and some coenzymes or vitamins for smockers (they have too little).I found an article about some people called breathers. They allmost dont eat for long periodes and seem to metabolize everything and reuse it.If i could i was going to ask permission to study them. I hope you find the issues interessant too and maybe have some in your site.

    1. Thank you for your comment. At the moment, antioxidants are one of the best ways to delay (not prevent!) aging, and those can be obtained in a variety of ways (endogenous production, diet, etc). Perhaps in the future we can also come in play with molecular manipulations, but honestly I think we are a bit far from that.

      Best regards! :)
