This blog intends to display concepts, informations, musics, videos, games, cartoons, curiosities about biochemical issues. Because Biochemistry does not have to be incomprehensible...
The hydroxyl groupisafunctional groupcharacterizedby the presence ofanoxygen atomcovalently bondedto ahydrogen atom(R-OH). It is also calledalcohol group, and the molecules thatcontain it have in their names the suffix"ol". In biochemistry, this groupisparticularlyimportant because it can actboth asdonor andacceptorof Hinhydrogen bonds.Therefore, their presence inbiomoleculesincreases theirwater solubilityandhydrophiliccharacter.
This is a non-charged polar group.However, in somebiochemicalcontexts it can function asaweak acid, losing oneH+.Thisbehavior isparticularly importantin the case ofphenolichydroxyl groups, i.e., in the case of hydroxyl groupsbounded tobenzenerings. As the main example of thissituation, we havethe amino acidtyrosine, whichin someproteinsmay haveanacidic behaviour.
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