This blog intends to display concepts, informations, musics, videos, games, cartoons, curiosities about biochemical issues. Because Biochemistry does not have to be incomprehensible...
The thiol group, or sulphydryl group ormercaptangroup, is the functional group –SH. The prefix"thio" in this, andotherfunctional groups,means that it hasasulfur atominstead ofanoxygen (for example, there are also thethioesterandthioethergroups...). In this case, the ending suffix "ol", tells usthat indeedthis groupisa groupderived fromanalcohol.That is,instead of the hydroxyl group –OH, we havesulfurin the place of theoxygen.One very important differencewith respect tohydroxyl groupsis related tothe fact that thethiol groupspresentaweak acid behavior. Since it hassulfur inits composition, the presence of thiol groupsoftenconfersto moleculesanunpleasant odor.
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